School Consultation Services

  • Assessments

    We conduct assessments and evaluations to identify students' strengths, weaknesses, and needs. This can include cognitive assessments, academic assessments, behavioral assessments, and social-emotional assessments. Identifying these factors can help teachers and administrators understand how to best support each student's learning and development.

  • Eligibility Meetings

    These meetings occur at the school to determine whether a student qualifies for special education services under IDEA (for an IEP) or for accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

    The process involves reviewing evaluation data, including assessments, observations, and input from parents and teachers, to determine whether the student meets the criteria for eligibility.

  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

    Purpose: IEPs are comprehensive plans tailored to meet the unique educational needs of students with disabilities. They are mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for eligible students.

    Eligibility: To qualify for an IEP, a student must have one or more disabilities that significantly impact their ability to learn and require specialized instruction.

    Process: Developing an IEP involves a team consisting of parents, teachers, and school administrators. This team collaborates to assess the student's needs, set goals, determine appropriate services and accommodations, and establish a plan for evaluating progress.

  • 504 Plans

    Purpose: 504 plans are accommodations plans for students with disabilities who do not qualify for an IEP but still require support to access education.

    Eligibility: To qualify for a 504 plan, a student must have a disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as learning, reading, or concentrating.

    Process: Unlike IEPs, 504 plans do not require specialized instruction. Instead, they focus on providing accommodations and modifications to help students access the general education curriculum.

  • School Meetings

    We collaborate with teachers, administrators, and parents to develop strategies and interventions to support student's academic and social-emotional needs. We also provide consultation on classroom management, behavior intervention plans, and differentiated instruction to meet the diverse needs of students.

  • Professional Development

    We offer workshop opportunities for teachers and parents on topics such as promoting positive behavior, supporting students with learning disabilities, and implementing evidence-based interventions.