Finding the Light in Your Child is Our Passion!

You have a Partner in Carolina Minds.

At Lisa Pennington and Associates, PLLC, and the new home of Carolina Minds, we strive to illuminate the light in every child through various services. From assessments to counseling, tutoring, and school interventions, we collaborate with families to create a positive impact in their child’s life.

How Can We Help Your Child?

We offer a range of assessments, therapies, and tutoring to reach as many children as possible. Our private practice specializes in counseling services, parenting support, and comprehensive evaluations for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, learning disabilities, and social/emotional development. We also provide academic interventions and support services for school consultations. Our mission is to empower children, adolescents, and young adults to achieve their fullest potential.

With over 20 years of experience in treating children and teens, we understand how daunting and isolating it can feel to seek the help your child needs. From diagnosis and treatment to collaborating with schools and referral partners, we ensure you won't feel alone in addressing your child's mental health and educational challenges.

We are with you every step of the way.

Our Services


    Learning Disabilities (Reading/Dyslexia, Writing/Dysgraphia, & Math/Dyscalculia)


    Early Childhood Assessments

    Early Kindergarten Eligibility

    School Accommodations, 504 Plans, and IEP Eligibility

    Talented and Gifted Assessments

    Learning Process Testing

    Learning Preferences and Needs

    School Admissions Testing

    Emotional/Behavioral Challenges


    Individual Therapy

    Play Therapy

    Parenting Support & Family Therapy

    Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity

    Anxiety/Excessive Worries

    Coping and Social Skills

    Emotional Regulation

    Effective Communication Skill

    Cognitive Behavioral Interventions

    Confidence Building

    Peer Relationships


    Reading (Decoding, Fluency, and Comprehension)

    Written Expression and Spelling


    Test Taking Strategies

    Homework Management

    Organization/Study Skills

    Executive Functioning


    Psycho-educational Assessments

    Assistance with 504 Plans​

    Individualized Education Plan Eligibility Meetings

    School Consultations

    Classroom Observations

    Intervention Development, Implementation, and Monitoring Progress

  • Assessments

    An individualized assessment may be helpful if your child is showing signs of learning difficulties, anxiety, lack of focus, hyperactivity, or disruptive behavior at home or school.

    Our services include evaluations for learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dysgraphia, ADHD, giftedness identification, early childhood development, school admissions, as well as addressing emotional and behavioral challenges.

  • Counseling

    If you’re a parent feeling concerned about behavioral challenges or unsure about your child’s emotional or social well-being—whether it’s disruptive behavior, anxiety, social skill deficits, fears, or excessive worrying—we can help!

    Our counseling services are here to assist your child and family with whatever you might be facing. We see children individually, together as a family, or parents on their own.

  • Educational Tutoring

    Does your child need a confidence boost in school? Are their learning difficulties impacted by a diagnosis or mental health issues? We offer one-on-one tutoring that makes learning fun! Our certified tutor creates personalized plans to help your child excel in all subjects, from core subjects to executive functioning, homework management, and organizational/study skills.

  • School Consultations

    Managing your child's diagnosis, Individual Education Plan (IEP), and/or 504 Plan can be challenging to handle alone. We help parents and schools collaborate more effectively by providing psycho-educational assessments, assistance with IEP and 504 Plans, classroom observations, and attending meetings. Additionally, we offer intervention development, implementation, and progress monitoring.

We Have a Dedicated Team Ready to Help!

Parenting Workshops Made Just for YOU.

Parenting Workshops Created by Dr. Lisa Pennington

Our Parent Me Program is designed to help build confident and connected families through knowledge, understanding, and the development of effective parenting skills. Each course is approximately 60 minutes long and will equip you with the skills needed to navigate parenting a neurodiverse child.


The Firefly Effect

Helping Your Child Ease Back to School Nerves

4 Ways to Calm Your Anxious Child

Tips for Connecting with Your Autistic Child